I am Life Coach and i love to help all i can heal from any trauma they have lost a part of their soul in i too am also a warrior of a trauma and i used healthy ways of loving myself now i try guide teach others ways to love heal and embrace their process and build forward through it. Life will throw u a loop from time to time u need to flow through it and just keep saying to yourself i can do this i am strong and i love myself.
My Story
In Life u will have hard knocks and battles and mountain to climb but u will always have u so if u love yourself through all the battles and hardships u will always know u got your own back no matter who is in your life or out of your life u will know u are strong but also pamper yourself through the battles and come back stronger. wiser and more equipped to fight the next battle ,, Goes back to old saying what doesn't kill u makes u stronger..... my story is have ton of loss hurt pain and sadness but each time i said ok u can lay in it or get up and fight through it . family divorce or any loss hurts your soul your light your being so all u can do is love u.. u will never hurt u leave u unlove u so choose u then who falls into that love to add to your life embrace it but anyone trying to take from u ,, u will know the difference with self love .. u will know your worth.
I'm always looking for new and exciting opportunities. Let's connect.